How to Dress for the Citizenship Interview

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Published by Mei in Resources | Updated 2024

The process of getting U.S. citizenship can be very long and tedious. There are many paths to becoming a U.S. citizen, [here’s how you can apply for citizenship]. Most of the paths require an in-person interview. It is important to make a good impression during your interview.

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The USCIS Official Dress Policy for the Citizenship Interview

There are no requirements about what you have to wear when you go for your naturalization interview. We have never heard of anyone being denied because of their appearance.

However, a good impression on your interviewer can only work in your favor. They must feel comfortable that you would be a good neighbor. They should also feel that you recognize that this is an incredible honor. One way to show this is by dressing in a certain way.

Dress Professionally for Your Citizenship Interview

Research shows that most people make a first impression of a person within 7 seconds. The USCIS officers are human and even though in training they are taught to avoid being biased about how applicants are dressed or appear they may not help it – it’s human nature.

For your interview find a balance of dressing in a way that shows respect for the USCIS and America and your personality. It’s important for you to be true to who you are. Dressing this way should help you feel confident in yourself which can only lead to you being relaxed and giving an overall good impression of you as a candidate. This, in turn, might help to ease your nervousness and help you answer questions well during your interview.

Check out our [citizenship interview help here].

Suggested Attire for the Citizenship Interview

Being clean is NUMBER 1. You don’t want to still be lingering in the room after your interview. This also goes for avoiding too much perfume or cologne. Pop a mint before you go in. Don’t chew gum.

Your shoes can tell a lot about you. It’s important that they are clean. You can wear sneakers if they are high fashion or black – best not to wear your ratty gym ones.

Make sure your clothes are stain and wrinkle free.

The style of the clothes that many wear can be classed as business casual. This doesn’t necessarily mean you should wear a shirt and tie, or a dress. There’s no need to wear expensive clothes.

Consider what you would wear to a job interview and start from there. You may be in the arts – don’t shy away of wearing clothes indicative of that. If you would wear a national dress feel free to wear it. There’s no need to hide who you are.

All that you must put across to the examiner is that you are a genuine person and wish to become a citizen.

Some of their offices are old, cold and draughty. Bring a jacket with you.

What Not to Wear to Your Citizenship Interview

Please don’t use this opportunity to make a politic statement by wearing something politically controversial. They will not tolerate violent or hateful statements. Doing this might result in a denial of your citizenship application. 


  • sports or gym clothing such as:
    • tracksuit/sweatpants
    • beach wear
    • shorts
    • old running shoes/trainers
    • vests/tank tops
  • dirty or damaged clothes
  • revealing clothes

What to Wear to Your Naturalization Ceremony

When you have been approved for citizenship you are invited to take the oath at your naturalization ceremony. Like the interview, this is an important event. Here’s more on the USCIS website.

The USCIS suggest that you wear clothing that shows respect to ‘the dignity of this event.’ Consider this to mean you should dress to make a good impression; business casual or formal wear should serve you well. 

You may have family members or guests with you to celebrate, and of course, they will take many photos. You might wish to post these on your socials or send them to family back home or print them to commemorate the day. It is important, then, that you feel comfortable in what you are wearing.

This can be a long day and you might be in a hall that’s draughty or has the AC on high so bring a jacket.

Download the USCIS’ Guide to Naturalization that discusses this and more.

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Final Thoughts 

For your interview find a balance of dressing in a way that shows respect for the USCIS and America and your personality. It’s important for you to be true to who you are. We have never heard of applicants being denied for their appearance but it can show disrespect so it’s best to make sure you are at least clean to maximize your chances of making a good impression. You should also dress well for your naturalization ceremony – its an honor to become a citizen and a celebration. Congratulations to you!

All articles are written from our experiences and the experiences of our colleagues. These are fantastic visas and we wish to empower others in applying. This information is for general guidance only and shouldn’t be considered legal advice.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues that we have left out let us know – it is important that others are aware. Email here!